friday night, the ladies
(angie, meco and daughter, taylor, in tow, joss, and the boss, nanners)
came over for craft night. we didn't so much craft as eat pizza, talk,
laugh, and watch daddy's little girls.
technically, it still was a craft night because i taught
joss the slip knot to start her foundation chain for crochet
and i think i taught her the single stitch.
i think...
even if noone got anything done or started, i think it was a great way for us to unwind,
nanners and joss mentioned that just needed to get away,
from what, i don't know, but i know the sentiment,
sometimes, i just want to be alone,
in my own thoughts and feel some satisfaction.
it's not the same when you complete a project at work...
that special satisfaction when you put your blood, sweat, and tears into
something you created with your two hands...
i started on beading a little owl for my keychain and i got as far as step 18
and then it got too hard...that and i can't read kanji, i just read the diagrams.
oh yeah, and my coworkers seem to think i can read kanji because i own
a gazillion japanese craft books and i speak 4 languages and manage to
understand most of nihongo that is spoken to me, which only seems to be spoken to me
when my coworkers are around...the trips to the craft store, the trip to joyful honda and buying tons of light fixtures. i don't know how i managed that, but i knew how to count and knew enough of the words to get me by...
i started a macrame' project for the ipod today but i got sidetracked playing
guitar hero 2, then karaoke revolution party, then karaoke revolution country...
jeremy made mention that i should just go ahead and buy a wireless guitar so we could get encore of the 80s too, so now i gotta think about that...
i wish they made a karaoke revolution game with 80s hits or
just the cure and depeche mode and madonna, then we'd be jammin' and i've been trying to convince jeremy that we need an xbox because they have better games that are cheaper, but he's not buying it...yet
we tested out our new dance dance revolution for wii and that thing is
imagine trying to keep track of 4 arrows, staying on the beat, and now
having to avoid stepping on foot destroyers, doing double-steppers, foot stompers,
AND having two controls in your hands, squeezing the triggers and swinging your arms
i must have looked like a complete idiot...
but what idiot do you know that can do all of the above and be
good at crafting, foreign languages, diagram reading, singing, dancing, air guitar and gaming?
that's right, ME!

came over for craft night. we didn't so much craft as eat pizza, talk,
laugh, and watch daddy's little girls.
technically, it still was a craft night because i taught
joss the slip knot to start her foundation chain for crochet
and i think i taught her the single stitch.
i think...
even if noone got anything done or started, i think it was a great way for us to unwind,
nanners and joss mentioned that just needed to get away,
from what, i don't know, but i know the sentiment,
sometimes, i just want to be alone,
in my own thoughts and feel some satisfaction.
it's not the same when you complete a project at work...
that special satisfaction when you put your blood, sweat, and tears into
something you created with your two hands...
i started on beading a little owl for my keychain and i got as far as step 18
and then it got too hard...that and i can't read kanji, i just read the diagrams.
oh yeah, and my coworkers seem to think i can read kanji because i own
a gazillion japanese craft books and i speak 4 languages and manage to
understand most of nihongo that is spoken to me, which only seems to be spoken to me
when my coworkers are around...the trips to the craft store, the trip to joyful honda and buying tons of light fixtures. i don't know how i managed that, but i knew how to count and knew enough of the words to get me by...
i started a macrame' project for the ipod today but i got sidetracked playing
guitar hero 2, then karaoke revolution party, then karaoke revolution country...
jeremy made mention that i should just go ahead and buy a wireless guitar so we could get encore of the 80s too, so now i gotta think about that...
i wish they made a karaoke revolution game with 80s hits or
just the cure and depeche mode and madonna, then we'd be jammin' and i've been trying to convince jeremy that we need an xbox because they have better games that are cheaper, but he's not buying it...yet
we tested out our new dance dance revolution for wii and that thing is
imagine trying to keep track of 4 arrows, staying on the beat, and now
having to avoid stepping on foot destroyers, doing double-steppers, foot stompers,
AND having two controls in your hands, squeezing the triggers and swinging your arms
i must have looked like a complete idiot...
but what idiot do you know that can do all of the above and be
good at crafting, foreign languages, diagram reading, singing, dancing, air guitar and gaming?
that's right, ME!