some days i like to toot my own horn
and today seems to be the day that everything i do seems to reflect my awesomeness... toot toot!
many compliments on how well i'm performing at work, a few of the senior leaders
think i'm doing great and that i deserve a raise...
it's not possible for them to give me a raise since
i'm a contractor, but just hearing it means i'm doing something right
i finally got an offer to become a permanent department of defense employee,
which rocks because i can finally get benefits, but sucks, because i'm taking
a huge pay cut...we'll see if i take the firm offer...
near the end of january, the senior leaders decided to 'reward' me
for my 15 months of hard work by giving me a good tdy to HAWAII!
i thoroughly enjoyed myself, made some new friends and drank maitais every day
last week, i made 75 conversation cupcakes for valentine's day:

then i went to the hot springs earlier this month and it snowed!
yes, my nekkidness was very cold, but sitting in the hot springs was soooo relaxing,
that i'll have to make another trip here again...i got to make paper and 2 postcards at a
paper making workshop:

tonight, my awesomeness made a diaper cake for my friend
tameco's baby shower, i'm so cracked out tired and my neck & back spasm
is starting up again, i think i'll just give up on playing with
my new apple itouch and go to bed, but lookie lookie!
yes, i am this talented. toot toot!

many compliments on how well i'm performing at work, a few of the senior leaders
think i'm doing great and that i deserve a raise...
it's not possible for them to give me a raise since
i'm a contractor, but just hearing it means i'm doing something right
i finally got an offer to become a permanent department of defense employee,
which rocks because i can finally get benefits, but sucks, because i'm taking
a huge pay cut...we'll see if i take the firm offer...
near the end of january, the senior leaders decided to 'reward' me
for my 15 months of hard work by giving me a good tdy to HAWAII!
i thoroughly enjoyed myself, made some new friends and drank maitais every day
last week, i made 75 conversation cupcakes for valentine's day:
then i went to the hot springs earlier this month and it snowed!
yes, my nekkidness was very cold, but sitting in the hot springs was soooo relaxing,
that i'll have to make another trip here again...i got to make paper and 2 postcards at a
paper making workshop:
tameco's baby shower, i'm so cracked out tired and my neck & back spasm
is starting up again, i think i'll just give up on playing with
my new apple itouch and go to bed, but lookie lookie!
yes, i am this talented. toot toot!