i embroidered a scarf for loulou and made kairi a little cape from the pink fabric with the crowns on it, but i forgot to take pictures of it. maybe if i get to see her with it on, i'll take a picture of it. i finished our christmas stocking ages ago, i must take pictures of it...which i'll do as soon as i remember.
now, for my next projects...knitting and shrine-making.
merry christmas, loves! see you next year!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
awww man...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
i got help on the blog overhaul, but it wasn't much help. i finally have my very own christmas tree and sad little wreath on my door. gold and burn orange of course. all the presents underneath the tree are my birthday presents...*giggles*
i started working on jeremy's and my christmas stockings but i didn't get to finish, so i'm hoping i'll finish it tonight. i painted some banners for the kid's christmas play at the chapel tomorrow. nothing fancy, but helping out a friend.
so here's what you missed, wow, i have't done anything since february...when work got CRAZY...:
february: got butt-naked at the hot spring in the freezing cold. snow...lots of snow...and nekkidness
march: officially became a sworn-in member of civil service...i'm a government work-horse now
april: my sister turned 30 and cried....seriously
may: jeremy deployed, along with g-money, brandolonius, and galvan, all i had was johnitra and dreyson, my little mans
june: johnitra left me for georgia, i'm still waiting for her to end this charade of moving and to come home to japan
july: brewster left his asian mamma
august: nothing much
september: jeremy returns! adjust to having him back around
october: halloween and the bestest costume evar!
november: officially turned 18 again, awesome presents
now: just hanging out and trying to make it more like christmas here. i got a bigger wreath today from the bxtra because it was almost 50% off and got some stocking holders for the floating shelves.
still need to make those damn stockings...
been buying copies of 'cotton friend,' it's pretty good and has alot of cute patterns, i'm currently on the country look, flat riding boots, sweaters and knits...running now too, so we'll see how this goes...