Monday, January 7, 2008

forever and ever

wow, it's been so long since i've posted.

i haven't been able to craft anything, since i've picked up another contract and

now i teach 2 english classes on top of that.

i had so many plans for all the things i wanted to make and now

it seems like i'll never have time to do them.

hopefully, once work calms down and blows over, i can finally

make the time to do stuff i've been meaning to do for tameco's baby, who's

3 months away.

for new year's, on the 30th, we went to kumiko's house for making mochi

and as always, fabulous food. we got to make sweet bean and strawberry mochi

and they were delicious.

one of these days, i'll be able to sit in on her pottery classes and make something...