Monday, September 17, 2007


so finally i'm posting the pictures of mark's pillow covers and other stuff i've made in since then. sunday, i made a dash to the lilyan and went temporarily insane. i got pink and white stripe and pink and white polka dot fabric to make hats for my coworker, tameco's, daughter, taylor's birthday. i think i did alright, being that it's my first time making hats, this will be a
nice excursion into the world of millinery.

i got some weird bendy sticks that help you loop ribbon, rope,
whatever into stuff for drawstrings and more patterns.

mark's pillow cases

my first attempt at button-hole making

my record player

something i've been meaning to make and finally did as a
"see you in a few" present for our 1st shirt

temporary insanity purchases

the drawstring beanie/beret, that kid has one big noggin'

the pattern book i got it from, there's a good reason why eugenia kim banks...because she rocks!

domo-kun rockin' the floppy hat

he's hiding

pins i made for the hat using yo-yo patterns

it's domo-zilla!

so i think domo-kun has official become my model-slash-actor (and not actor-slash-model).
i think he's doing a good job, being that he's up in my header, i don't think anyone else would fill the position quite as well as he would. i put up an ad in the paper and noone else responded too.
except for him. and now he's taken over.

*peace out!*

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